
Index 377
maintaining 62
updates 62
Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 321
HBA and operating system settings 322
SDD 322
MPIO 306
other solutions 281
software 51
multiple allegiance 19
Multiple Relationship FlashCopy 10, 94
network settings 120–121
non-volatile storage see NVS
NVS 48
OEL 124, 132
offline configuration 127, 165
online configuration 128, 165
open systems
data migration 289
software 275
resource list 277
support 275–276
boot support 279
differences to ESS 2105 278
resource list 277
RPQ 279
operating environment license see OEL
ordering licensed functions 134
OS/400 data migration 358
Parallel Access Volumes see PAV
parts installation and repairs 61
PAV 19, 133–134, 149
performance 219
hot spot avoidance 150
monitoring 149
number of host ports 149
open systems 230, 233
data placement 231
LVM striping 231
number of host connections 232
workload characteristics 230
planning 148
preferred paths 150
UNIX tools 301
z/OS 233
DS6000 size 235
potential 234
statistics 247
Persistent FlashCopy 97
PFA 13, 55
physical migration
zSeries 254
DFSMSdss 254
Piper 255, 297
Point-in-time Copy see PTC
Ethernet 35
serial 35
power cords 42
power requirements 118
power subsystem 40
RAS 56
Consistency Group 105
PPRC-XD see Global Copy
predictive failure analysis see PFA
preferred pathing 49, 248
priority I/O queuing 19
PTC 10, 90, 133
rack identify
connector 39
RAID controller card 33
RAID-10 53
implementation 53
theory 53
RAID-5 52
implementation 52
theory 52
ranks 69, 154, 162
RAS 45
controller 46
controller failover and failback 46
disk subsystem 52
power subsystem 56
real-time manager 165
rear panel 38
Redbooks Web site 371
Contact us xxi
RedHat Enterprise Linux see RH-EL
reliability, availability, and serviceability see RAS
Remote Mirror and Copy function see RMC
remote service support 130
Resource Management Facility see RMF
RH-EL 317
RMC 11, 97, 133
comparison of functions 103
RMF 247
SAN 50
requirements 122
SAR 302
SARC 15, 18, 27
SBOD controller card 35
indicators 36
scalability 229
SDD 19, 280, 305
for Windows 322