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Detailed explanation of example 1.
Example Large StorNext configuration showing DS5300‟s with Fibre Channel and/or SATA disk for Data and a separate
DS5020 for Meta Data and Journal. These examples are representative only and should not be seen as restrictive. The idea is
to use our knowledge of these products to craft solutions with the proper performance and resiliency characteristics to meet
customer needs and budget concerns.
DS5020 for Journal and Meta Data with FC drives
This is an example configuration only
RAID 1 for StorNext Meta Data
RAID 1 for StorNext Journal
Add additional RAID 1‟s rather than growing to RAID 10 for performance reasons.
Controller A can see all client and MDC host ports but not Controller B
Controller B can see all client and MDC host ports but not Controller A
DS5300’s with FC and/or SATA for Data
This is an example configuration only
Multiple RAID 5 (both 4+1 and 8+1) RAID Arrays for StorNext data
Multiple RAID 6 (both 4+2 and 8+2) RAID Arrays for StorNext data may also be desirable in some situations
Controller A can see all client and MDC host ports but not Controller B
Controller B can see all client and MDC host ports but not Controller A
Mixed Clients – SAN Zoning
Clients have single dual ported HBA‟s with connections into a redundant switched network and zoned to be
able to see both Controller A and B
MDC‟s have dual dual ported HBA‟s with connections into a redundant switched network and zoned to be
able to see both Controller A and B
All Storage Configurations for StorNext environments
AVT should be set OFF for all partitions and host types
For MAC Clients There is not currently a host type definition for MAC Clients (there will be in the future).
Because of this a work-around has been developed for use until the MAC host type is available.
1. Set host type LNXCLVMWARE
2. Set TPGS on(via a provided script)
For Linux Clients (and VMware servers)
1. If no MAC clients exist, then the host type LNXCLVMWARE should be used, as this host type has AVT
2. If MAC hosts exist in the environment, Linux clients (and VMware servers) should use the host type
3. Insure that AVT is turned off for all host regions, including LINUX (via a provided script). This can be
done by checking the bottom of the complete (all tab) system Profile.
For mixed environments:
1. Create a Host Group for all MDC‟s and Clients that will access the StorNext file system. There is no Host
type associated with Host Groups (only individual hosts)
2. Assign multiple host types to this group.