Chapter 5
Typical for 25 °C unless otherwise specified.
Specifications in italic text are guaranteed by design.
Analog input
Table 1. Analog input specifications
A/D converter type AD976A
Resolution 16 bits
Number of channels 16 single-ended / 8 differential, software selectable
Input ranges ±10 V, ±5 V, ±2.5 V, ±1.25 V, software programmable
A/D pacing
(software programmable)
Internal counter - 82C54
External source - A/D External Pacer, software programmable for rising or
falling edge
Software polled
A/D trigger sources External edge trigger (A/D External Trigger)
A/D triggering modes Rising or falling edge trigger - software selectable
A/D External Trigger, gate high or low, software selectable A/D gate sources
A/D Pacer Gate, gate high
Burst mode Software selectable option, burst rate = 100 kHz
From 4 k sample FIFO via REPINSW Data transfer
Programmed I/O
A/D conversion time 5 µs max
Calibrated throughput 200 kHz single channel, 100 kHz multiple channel. Minimum
system requirement is Pentium II, 400 MHz.
Calibration Auto-calibration, calibration factors for each range stored on board in nonvolatile
Accuracies are listed for a 200 kHz sampling rate, single channel operation, a 60 minute warm-up, and
operational temperatures within ±2 °C of internal calibration temperature. The calibrator test source high side is
tied to Channel 0 In, and the low side tied to AGND.
Table 2. Absolute Accuracy specifications
Range Absolute accuracy
±10.00 V ±5.0 LSB max
±5.000 V ±5.0 LSB max
±2.500 V ±5.0 LSB max
±1.250 V ±5.0 LSB max
Each PC-CARD-DAS16/16AO is tested at the factory to assure the board’s overall error does not exceed
accuracy limits described in Table 2.