
22 Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management
Using the command line interface.
Example 7 shows how to deallocate via the command line 6 GB of memory from
node julia.
Example 7 Deallocating the memory using the command line interface (CLI)
root@julia/>lsattr -El mem0
goodsize 7168 Amount of usable physical memory in Mbytes False
size 7168 Total amount of physical memory in Mbytes False
root@julia/>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 lshwres -r mem -m p550_itso1 --level\ \
>lpar --filter "lpar_names=julia" -F lpar_name:curr_mem --header
root@julia/>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 chhwres -m p550_itso1 -o r -p julia \ \
> -r mem -q 6144 -w 15
root@julia/>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 lshwres -r mem -m p550_itso1 --level\ \
>lpar --filter "lpar_names=julia" -F lpar_name:curr_mem --header
root@julia/>lsattr -El mem0
goodsize 1024 Amount of usable physical memory in Mbytes False
size 1024 Total amount of physical memory in Mbytes False
Deallocate the processing units from the partition.
Using the graphical interface.
In the Server and Partition panel on HMC, right-click partition julia and select
Dynamic Logical Partitioning Processor Resources Remove. In the
dialog window, enter the desired values for processing units and virtual
processors as shown in Figure 12 on page 23.
Note: When allocating memory to a partition or moving it between partitions,
you can increase the time-out limit of the operation to prevent a failure
response before the operation completes. Use the Advance tab of the
dynamic LPAR memory menu (see Figure 10 on page 20) to increase the
time-out limit.