
Distinctive Functions of Your Computer
Select an item from the menu and follow the instructions
on the screen to set the features.
You can also create a batch file (*.BAT) like the one shown to
match your operating environment. The following sample batch
file sets a longer battery operating time.
@Echo Off
Rem SAMPLE:Set the parameters to provide maximum power utilization.
Rem =============================================================
PS2 PMode Custom DC > Nul
PS2 LCd 3 > Nul
PS2 DISK 3 > Nul
PS2 POwer 5 > Nul
PS2 SPeed Fixed Slow > Nul
PS2 IR Disable > Nul
PS2 SErial OFf > Nul
30 IBM ThinkPad 600 User's Reference
Title: C79EGMST CreationDate: 02/10/98 09:24:42