
BDM-610000049 Rev G Chapter 3: Connecting the cpuModule 43
multiPort Configured as a Parallel Port
The parallel port is available on connector CN6. Make sure the multiPort in the BIOS Setup is configured to
parallel port. You can use the BIOS Setup to select the parallel port’s address and associated interrupt, and
choose between its operational modes (SPP, ECP, EPP 1.7, and EPP 1.9).
The pinout of the connector enables a ribbon cable to be connected directly to a DB-25 connector, thus
providing a standard PC compatible port.
Table 28 lists the parallel port signals and explains how to connect it to a DB-25 connector to obtain a PC
compatible port.
Note For correct operation, keep the length of the cable connecting the cpuModule and parallel device
less than 3 meters (10 feet).
Table 28 multiPort Connector (CN6) as a Parallel Port
CN6 Pin Signal Function In/Out DB-25
1STBStrobe Data out1
2AFDAutofeed out14
3 PD0 Printer Data 0 (LSB) out 2
4ERRPrinter Error in15
5 PD1 Parallel Data 1 out 3
6 INIT Initialize Printer out 16
7 PD2 Printer Data 2 out 4
8SLINSelect Printer out17
9 PD3 Printer Data 3 out 5
10 GND Signal Ground 18
11 PD4 Printer Data 4 out 6
12 GND Signal Ground 19
13 PD5 Printer Data 5 out 7
14 GND Signal Ground 20
15 PD6 Printer Data 6 out 8
16 GND Signal Ground 21
17 PD7 Printer Data 7 (MSB) out 9
18 GND Signal Ground 22
19 ACK Acknowledge in 10
20 GND Signal Ground 23
21 BSY Busy in 11
22 GND Signal Ground 24
23 PE Paper End in 12
24 GND Signal Ground 25
25 SLCT Ready To Receive in 13
26 +5 V