Implementing Oracle8 and J.D. Edwards’ OneWorld 109
SID of the database shown in Figure 42) on the deployment server. You should
get a response back saying that the attempt to contact the host was OK.
7.3 Installing and Configuring J.D. Edwards’ OneWorld B73.3
In this section, you will use the Installation Planner to create your plan and deploy
OneWorld to the enterprise server(s) and the client workstations. During this
installation we will install the OneWorld B73.3 Setup software on your deployment
server. If necessary, refer to J.D. Edwards’
OneWorld Installation Guide (Windows
NT-Based Systems), Release B73.3
as a reference. Be sure you conduct a
pre-installation audit to verify that all requirements have been met. Also run the
Environment Checker to help with any configuration and setup issues.
Complete the following instructions to Install OneWorld:
1. Earlier you were instructed to create a JDE user ID and use JDE as the
password. If you have done so, go to the next step. Otherwise, do so at this
time and log off. Log on using the JDE user ID. This user should have full
administrative rights to the Windows NT Server.
2. Log on to the deployment server as user JDE.
3. Insert the OneWorld Setup CD-ROM and run Setup.exe.
Note: MDAC 2.1 or higher may be required to be installed prior to the
installation of OneWorld. This will update ODBC driver for Microsoft Access.
Figure 43. OneWorld Setup Screen
4. A Welcome screen will appear with the following fields:
• Security Revision
• Serial Number
• Expiration Date
• Number of Licenses