The number of bytes available for instance data. For the INSD0100 format, the
buf_actlen value is 1104 bytes.
Indicates if the server instance is running. If the instance is running, the
running parameter is set to 1. If the instance is not running, the running
parameter is set to 0. The running parameter can be omitted. If this value is
omitted (null), the running status is not queried by this API, and no
performance penalty is incurred for finding this information. See “Retrieve a
list of all Server Instances (QzhbGetInstanceNames) API” on page 56 for
another method to query the running status of all instances.
The structure in which to return error information.
INSD0100 Format
Type Field
0 0 CHAR(10) Configuration
10 0A CHAR(10) Autostart
20 14 BINARY(4) Min threads
24 18 BINARY(4) Max threads
32 2A CHAR(10) Outgoing table name
42 20 CHAR(10) Outgoing table library
52 3E CHAR(10) Incoming table name
62 34 CHAR(10) Incoming table library
72 48 CHAR(512) Access log file
584 248 CHAR(512) Error log file
1096 448 BINARY(4) Non-secure port
1100 44C BINARY(4) Secure port
Field descriptions
Note: In the descriptions below, *GLOBAL indicates that the global server
parameter value for this field is used by the instance, and *CFG indicates
that the value from the named configuration file is used. All character
strings are padded with blanks as necessary, and are NOT null terminated.
The 10 character name of the configuration used for this instance.
Indicates if the instance starts automatically. It is a 10 character string that
contains *NO, *YES, or *GLOBAL.
Min threads
The minimum number of threads to use for this instance. It is an integer
from 0 to 999, where 0 means the *CFG value.
Chapter 2. Application Programming Interfaces 59