3. Choose the Transfer Protocol supported by your
communications software.
4. View online or download the Readme/Instruction file.
5. Follow the instructions in this file for downloading and installing
the program support or diagnostics.
Obtaining Operating System Software when WWW/BBS Support
Is Unavailable
For those who are unable to retrieve the files from either the WWW
or BBS, support is provided by telephone or E-mail.
For telephone assistance (U.S.A. ONLY), call:
1-800-426-3333 and ask for ARTIC 160.
For E-mail assistance, send to:
Software/Microcode Installation
The following software and microcode (or equivalent) are supported:
One of the following sets of software products:
– IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 3.3 or higher)
– IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor DOS Support program
(Version 1.10 or higher)
– IBM X.25 Co-Processor Support Program (Version 1.03 or
– IBM Operating System/2 (OS/2 Version 3.0 or 2.11 with Fix
Pack XR-098 or greater)
– IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Operating System/2
Support program (Version 1.10 or higher)
– IBM Communication Manager/2 (Version 1.11 or higher)
Note: See “Step 2. Download the Diagnostics and Operating
System Support Programs” on page 2-5 for other
supported operating systems and applications.
X.25 Co-Processor PCI GTO