
1. Make sure your printer parallel interface is set to CX PARALLEL. To change or
check the Interface Type:
a. Power off (O) the printer.
b. Press and hold Menu/Enter while powering on (|) the printer. The message
STARTING UP displays.
c. After start-up is complete, release Menu/Enter and the message PRINT
OUT=NO displays.
d. Press until the message PARALLEL INTF displays.
e. Press until the message INTF=xxxxxxxxxxx displays. Where xxxxxxxxxxx
can be CX PARALLEL, 1284 BYTE,or1284 NIBBLE. If the value is not CX
PARALLEL, press or until CX PARALLEL displays.
f. To exit from Power On Configuration, press Menu/Enter. Your new value is
stored in NVM.
2. Power off (O) the printer.
3. Attach the Network Print Server to your parallel port.
Note: With this server attached, the printer is supplied by two power cords.
One is the 4247 Printer power cord and the other is the Network Print
Server power cord.
Chapter 5. Attaching Your Printer 129