logo

3.
Set
the
parameters
that
you
want.
Parameter
Description
overall
%
Specifies
the
drivewise
%
or
common
%
as
set
for
each
drive.
If
Drivewise
is
selected,
the
drive
parameters
are
specified
for
each
drive
used.
If
Common
is
selected,
all
drive
parameters
use
the
%
parameters,
which
are
entered
in
the
%
for
Common
fields.
This
reduces
the
need
to
set
each
drive
parameter
if
the
server
has
a
large
number
of
drives.
Common:
Use
the
term
%
to
specify
all
drives
Disk
n
Specify
an
individual
drive
parameter.
4.
Select
Continue,
and
press
Enter.
The
start
and
end
block
number
fields
are
and
the
last
block
on
the
disk
or
the
values
set
the
last
time
this
test
was
run.
As
the
test
runs,
the
current
block
number,
number
of
blocks
tested,
and
number
of
blocks
left
are
updated.
Also,
the
block
tested
is
marked
with
a
different
character.
The
random
test
is
performed
on
the
specified
percentage
of
blocks
between
the
specified
start
and
end
blocks.
Disk
Write
Test
Use
this
test
to
verify
the
ability
of
the
disk
drive
to
write
data
correctly
to
a
disk.
Use
a
disk
that
you
know
is
good
for
this
test.
This
test
is
normally
hidden
from
view
because
it
erases
the
data
on
the
disk.
To
make
this
menu
item
viewable
so
that
you
can
run
this
test,
complete
the
following
steps:
1.
From
the
main
menu,
select
Options,
and
press
Enter.
2.
Select
Toggle
Hidden
Test
Display,
and
press
Enter.
Attention:
This
test
erases
all
data
on
the
disk.
3.
Select
the
drive
or
drives
to
be
tested,
and
run
the
test.
Disk
Format
Test
Use
this
test
to
verify
that
the
device
is
properly
formatted
for
operation.
This
test
is
normally
hidden
from
view
because
it
erases
the
data
on
the
disk.
To
make
this
menu
item
viewable
so
that
you
can
run
this
test,
complete
the
following
steps:
1.
From
the
main
menu,
select
Options,
and
press
Enter.
2.
Select
Toggle
Hidden
Test
Display,
and
press
Enter.
Attention:
This
test
formats
the
media
in
the
device
being
tested.
Use
this
test
only
if
you
want
to
format
the
media.
Disk
Spin
Down
Test
This
test
issues
a
spin
down
command
to
the
disk
being
tested.
Note:
This
action
cannot
be
reversed
easily
without
restarting
the
server.
Disk
Quick
Test
Use
this
test
to
perform
an
abbreviated
read
test
on
all
disks
installed
in
the
server.
xSeries
Type
8688:
Hardware
Maintenance
Manual
and
Troubleshooting
Guide