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Television
output
notice
The
following
notice
applies
to
models
that
have
the
factory-installed
television-output
feature.
This
product
incorporates
copyright
protection
technology
that
is
protected
by
method
claims
of
certain
U.S.
patents
and
other
intellectual
property
rights
owned
by
Macrovision
Corporation
and
other
rights
owners.
Use
of
this
copyright
protection
technology
must
be
authorized
by
Macrovision
Corporation,
and
is
intended
for
home
and
other
limited
viewing
uses
only
unless
otherwise
authorized
by
Macrovision
Corporation.
Reverse
engineering
or
disassembly
is
prohibited.
Trademarks
The
following
terms
are
trademarks
of
International
Business
Machines
Corporation
in
the
United
States,
other
countries,
or
both:
ThinkCentre
Wake
on
PS/2
Microsoft
and
Windows
are
trademarks
of
Microsoft
Corporation
in
the
United
States,
other
countries,
or
both.
Intel,
Celeron,
and
Pentium
are
trademarks
of
Intel
Corporation
in
the
United
States,
other
countries,
or
both.
Other
company,
product,
or
service
names
may
be
trademarks
or
service
marks
of
others.
User
Guide