
7. Certification Checklist for Portal Servers and Web-Based Apps
Date Tested: February 7, 2005
Product Tested Version
RSA ClearTrust 5.5.2, 5.5.3
Team Workplace 6.5.1
Domino 6.5.1IF1, 6.5.2, 6.5.3
ClearTrust Agent for Domino 4.6
Test Case Result
Product Characteristics for SSO Support
Application/Portal is web-based, and supports access by a standard HTTP-based
Application/Portal runs on Web Server Platform supported by RSA ClearTrust P
Application/Portal login interface can be modified or replaced P
Application/Portal can extract user information from RSA ClearTrust session cookie P
Application/Portal can extract user information from HTTP Headers N/A
Application/Portal can extract authentication type from RSA ClearTrust session cookie N/A
Application/Portal can extract authentication type from HTTP Headers N/A
Application/Portal can perform SSO with other RSA ClearTrust-supported Web Server P
Login - General
HTTP basic authentication P
Forms based P
Forms based w/ URI retention P
Login – Basic Authentication
Access Denied for unauthorized user P
Successful login for authorized user P
Successful recognition of identity/personalization in 3
Party Product P
Successful recognition of identity/personalization after SSO with other RSA ClearTrust-
supported Web Server
Login –Graded Authentication
Access Denied for unauthorized user N/A
Successful login for authorized user N/A
Successful recognition of identity/personalization in 3
Party Product N/A
Successful recognition of identity/personalization after SSO with other RSA ClearTrust-
supported Web Server
SWA / ATB P=Pass or Yes F=Fail N/A=Non-available function
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