Installing the Data Collector 17
Installing via the Internet
Follow these instructions if you do not have a CD and you are installing on a Data
Collector Server that has Internet access and a web browser.
Note: If your Data Collector Server does not have Internet access or web browser access—for
example, X-Windows not available), proceed to the next section, Internet Access
Not Available
from the Data Collector Server, for the relevant installation steps.
1. Start the web browser on the Data Collector Server.
2. Use the following URL to access the Data Collector installer web page:
The following web page will be displayed:
3. Click on the Start Installer for <Platform>… button.
4. Proceed to “
GUI Deployment of the Data Collector” on page 19.
Internet Access Not Available from the Data Collector Server
Use these instructions if you are installing via the Internet where Internet access is not
available from the data collector server.
1. Note the Platform/OS of the Data Collector Server on which you want to install the Data
2. Open a browser on a client with web access (you will download the installer to this client,
and then copy it to the Data Collector Server).
3. Use the following URL to access the Data Collector installer web page:
The following web page will be displayed: