
Symptom-to-FRU index 163
a. Identify which channel is causing the error by the second digit of the original
ISPR code:
ISPR = B1xx = Channel 1
ISPR = B2xx = Channel 2
ISPR = B3xx = Channel 1 and 2
ISPR = B4xx = Channel 3
ISPR = B5xx = Channel 1 and 3
ISPR = B6xx = Channel 2 and 3
ISPR = B7xx = Channel 1, 2 and 3
ISPR = BFxx = Channel not identified
b. Confirm that the channel(s) identified from the error in step 2 is(are) the cause
of the error by verifying that the error presents itself ONLY when the
offending channel is reconnected.
c. Check termination of identified channel.
d. Check for proper backplane jumper configuration.
e. Check for proper cabling configuration in systems that use DASD status
cables. Reconnect all cables removed in step 1 above.
f. Disconnect one drive at a time attached to the channel identified in step 2a,
then reboot to determine which drive is causing the error.
g. Replace SCSI cable.
h. Replace SCSI backplane.
EF10 (Default ISPR)
1. No ISPR error present.
2. Controller is probably functioning properly. Do not replace system board unless
you have run the controller’s diagnostics and you get an error message. If you do
not get an error message, assume it is functioning properly.
3. Refer to “Using IBM ServeRAID” on page 117. Note the resulting BCS and or
ECS Error codes, and see the FRU actions respective to those codes. (EF10 is a
default code for ISPR indicating that there is no ISPR error present.)
EFFE (Firmware code corrupted or download jumpers are in place.)
1. Verify download jumpers are in their default locations. See “Processor board
component locations” on page 55 for jumper locations.
2. If download jumpers are not in place and error still persists, then flash the
controller firmware with the jumpers in place; then remove the jumpers.
3. If error persists after step 2 , replace the controller or the system board with
integrated controller.
FFFF or other code not listed
1. Isolate between SCSI subsystem and controller by disconnecting all SCSI cables
attached to the suspect controller and reboot. If ISPR code is EF10 after
disconnecting cables, follow the steps below until the error is eliminated:
a. Identify which channel is causing the error by reconnecting cables one at a
time and rebooting until the error returns.
b. Check termination of identified channel in step a..
c. Disconnect one drive at a time attached to channel identified in stepa. and
reboot each time to determine which drive is causing the problem.
d. Replace SCSI Cable attached to channel identified in step a..
e. Replace Backplane attached to channel identified in step a..