
v Change Privileged-Access Password
Set or change the privileged-access password. It provides the user with the capability
to access all service processor functions. This password is usually used by the
system administrator or root user.
v Change General-Access Password
Set or change the general-access password. It provides limited access to service
processor menus, and is usually available to all users who are allowed to power on
the system, especially remotely.
Note: The general-access password can only be set or changed after the
privileged-access password is set.
v Enable/Disable Console Mirroring
Console mirroring is supported on serial port 1 (S1) and serial port 2 (S2). When
console mirroring is enabled, the service processor sends information to all serial
ports. The serial port from which console mirroring is enabled is referred to as the
active port
. The
mirror port
is determined when keyboard input is detected from one
of the other ports. From this point on, the service processor sends information only to
the active port and the mirror port. This capability can be enabled by local or remote
users, providing local users with the capability to monitor remote sessions. Console
mirroring can be enabled for the current session only. For more information, see
“Console Mirroring” on page 68.
v Start Talk Mode
In a console-mirroring session, it is useful for those who are monitoring the session
to be able to communicate with each other. Selecting Start Talk Mode activates the
keyboards and displays for such communications while console mirroring is
established. This is a full duplex link, so message interference is possible. Alternating
messages between users works best.
Chapter 3. Using the Service Processor 35