Frame size: Specifies the maximum frame length supported by the IBM FAStT
Host Adapter. The default size is 2048. If you are using F-Port (point-to-point)
connections, the default is best for maximum performance.
Loop reset delay: After resetting the loops, the firmware does not initiate any
loop activity for the number of seconds specified in this setting. The default is
5 seconds.
Adapter hard loop ID: Forces the adapter to use the ID specified in the Hard
Loop ID setting. The default is Enabled.
Hard loop ID: When the Adapter Hard Loop ID is set to Enabled, the adapter
uses the ID specified in this setting. The default ID is 125.
Selectable boot settings
You can access this option from the Configuration Settings menu. When this
option is set to Enabled, you can select the node name from which you want to
start up (boot). When this option is set to Disabled, the Boot ID and Boot LUN
parameters have no effect.
Note: This option applies only to disk devices; it does not apply to CD-ROMs,
tape drives, and other nondisk devices.
Adapter hard ID settings
You can access this option from the Configuration Settings menu. It forces the IBM
FAStT Host Adapter to use the selected hard ID (0–125).
Restore default settings
You can access this option from the Configuration Settings menu. It restores the
IBM FAStT Host Adapter default settings.
Raw NVRAM data
This option displays the adapter nonvolatile random access memory (NVRAM)
contents in hexadecimal format. This is a troubleshooting tool; you cannot modify
the data.
Advanced adapter settings
You can access this option from the Configuration Settings menu. The default
settings for the host adapter are listed in Table 2 on page 25 and are described
immediately following the table.
24 FAStT Host Adapter Installation and User's Guide