
46 Storage Management with DB2 for OS/390
hardware capabilities. For a few specific and exceptional cases, the storage class
GUARANTEED SPACE option can be used. As the Storage Group definition
exists only in SMS tables, its logical mapping onto volumes can be redistributed
when a hardware change occurs, without any DB2 application outage, provided
that DB2 and storage administrators act in concert (in particular for allocating
new DB2 objects). Notice that redefining a Storage Group does not require
application outage.
5.4 Naming Standards
To assist in the successful implementation of SMS, a vital requirement is that of
generating and adhering to a constructive and meaningful naming standard
policy. The more formal the policy, the easier it is to maintain the ACS routines.
This can be of particular use in the formation of policies for Data and
Management Classes.
These policies can:
Simplify service-level assignments to data.
Facilitate writing and maintaining ACS routines
Allow data to be mixed in a system-managed environment while retaining
separate management criteria
Provide a filtering technique useful with many storage management products
Simplify the data definition step of aggregate backup and recovery support
Most naming conventions are based on the high level qualifier (HLQ) and low
level qualifier (LLQ) of the data set name. Additional levels of qualifiers can be
used to identify generation data sets and databases. They can also be used to
help users to identify their own data. It must be stressed that each installation has
different naming conventions, and therefore requires careful planning.
DB2 systems generate their own data set names, so it is necessary to ensure that
the storage administrator understands the implications, and is able to define a
policy and build the ACS routines so they incorporate this feature.
5.5 Examples
Examples of SMS constructs for DB2 data sets are described in this book:
Chapter 6, “Managing DB2 Databases with SMS” on page 47.
Chapter 7, “Managing DB2 Recovery Data Sets with SMS” on page 63.
A test implementation of these examples is shown in:
Appendix A, “Test Cases for DB2 Table Space Data Sets” on page 161.
Appendix B, “Test Cases for DB2 Recovery Data Sets” on page 185.