
status 2-19, 2-20, 2-21
reserved bytes, RT/CMOS RAM
configuration 2-25
reset, alternative method 2-28
ROM (read-only memory) 2-13
address and NMI mask register
(hex 0070) 2-17
data register (hex 0071) 2-17
RAM address map 2-16
RAM configuration
configuration CRC bytes 2-25
date-century byte 2-25
diagnostic status byte 2-22
diskette drive type byte 2-23
equipment byte 2-24
hard disk drive 2, 3 type
byte 2-23, 2-24
low and high base memory
bytes 2-25
low and high expansion
memory bytes 2-25
low and high usable memory
bytes 2-25
reserved bytes 2-24, 2-25
shutdown status byte 2-22
RAM I/O operations 2-18
real-time clock bytes 2-19
status register A (hex
00A) 2-19
status register B (hex
00B) 2-20
status register C (hex
00C) 2-21
status register D (hex
00D) 2-21
scan codes 2-5
selectable drive-startup
sequence 2-29
sequencing, output voltage 1-12
serial controller port 1-4
shutdown status byte, RT/CMOS
RAM configuration 2-22
size, specifications 1-9
assembler sample A-7
BIOS call A-62
C language sample A-8
calling convention A-6
configuration A-20
display device A-14, A-20
display device, set A-22
event bit definition A-32
function declaration A-57
function description A-12
header image A-4
hotkey sticky/lock, set A-26
installation check A-58
parameter structure A-6
pointing device, set A-24
power management A-27
processor (CPU) A-13
pseudo code A-9
refresh rate A-18
request system hibernation A-52
request system off A-52
request system standby A-51
request system suspend A-51
return codes A-11
set hibernation timer A-44
set standby timer A-42
set system resume timer A-50
slave micro control unit A-15
system identification A-12
system information A-12
system sensor A-16
timer control A-29
video A-17
Sound Blaster system settings 3-6
speaker data enable 2-27
specifications 1-8, 3-7
acoustical readings 1-10
air temperature 1-9
DMA controller 1-8
electrical 1-9
compatibility 1-9
X-4 Index