
Chapter 2. Installing Netcool/Precision TN 29
Third-party and Open Source software
Your software installation is self-contained and includes the following third-party
Certicom ECC (security implementation)
ILOG JTGO 3.5 (Java graphic components for OSSs)
Java Transaction API 1.0.1
Macrovision FLEXlm 7.2e (License Manager)
Oracle Instant Client version 10
Sun Java Communications API 1.0r
Sun Java Message Service API
Sun JDBC 2.0
Sun JNDI RMI Registry Service Provider 1.2.1
Sun J2SE Java Runtime Environment JRE 1.4.2_10-b03
Sybase Jconnect JDBC driver 5.5
Additionally, you must obtain Oracle database software or MySQL software.
Netcool/Precision TN supports Oracle Database version 9i.
Your Netcool/Precision TN installation also includes the following Open Source software:
Ant 1.5.1
Bean Scripting Framework 2.3.0
Castor XML
BeanUtils 1.5
Collections 2.1
Digester 1.3
Logging 1.0.2
Modeler 1.0
Commons-Net 1.4.1
Jakarta Regexp 1.2
JDOM 1.0beta8
Log4J 1.2.8
MX4J 1.1.1
OpenORB 1.3.0
Tomcat 4.1.18
Xalan-J 2.4.1