System Power Control Network
Battery capacity test.......:Enabled
Type options, press Enter.
3=Write VPD 5=Display detail 6=Display trace log
7=Test battery interface
Opt Frame Unit Type Number Fault
01 0 00-00000 No
01 1 00-00000 No
03 0 .... 00-00000 No
03 1 .... 00-00000 No
3 02 0 .... 00-00000 No
02 1 .... 00-00000 No
__ f. At the Write Vital Product Data (VPD) display enter the following
__ 1) At the Type field enter 0578, 5074. 5078 or 5079.
__ 2) At the Model field, enter 001. If you have a 5079, enter 001 for
5079–001 (the lower unit) or 002 for the 5079–002 (the upper
__ 3) Enter the serial number at the Serial Number field (located on
the central panel label).
__ g. Press the Enter Key.
The message: Vital product data has been successfully written
__ 7. Press F3 to return to the Hardware Service Manager display.
__ 8. From the Hardware Service Manager display press F6 (print the
configuration) to print the configuration list.
__ 9. For future reference place the configuration list in this book.
__ 10. To return to the Main menu, press F3 (Exit) two times and press the Enter
30 Setting up your 0578, 5074, 5078 or 5079 Expansion Unit V5R2