
SurePOS 100 Technical Reference
Page 57 of 104
When sending the following data, express as a set of two characters. Express "% (25h)" as "%0
(25h - 30h)". Add "40h - 5Fh" after "%" for the control codes (00h - 1Fh). Express the control
code (7Fh) as "%5(25h - 35h)". Add "1 - 4 (31h - 34h)" after "%" for the function code. Add "6 -
8 (36h - 38h)" after "%" for the start code.
9.3.11 Control Codes
Code Format
NUL 00h %@ 25h 40h
SOH 01h %A 25h 41h
STX 02h %B 25h 42h
ETX 03h %C 25h 43h
EOT 04h %D 25h 44h
ENQ 05h %E 25h 45h
ACK 06h %F 25h 46h
BEL 07h %G 25h 47h
BS 08h %H 25h 48h
HT 09h %I 25h 49h
LF 0Ah %J 25h 4Ah
VT 0Bh %K 25h 4Bh
FF 0Ch %L 25h 4Ch
CR 0Dh %M 25h 4Dh
SO 0Eh %N 25h 4Eh
SI 0Fh %O 25h 4Fh
DLE 10h %P 25h 50h
DC1 11h %Q 25h 51h
DC2 12h %R 25h 52h
DC3 13h %S 25h 53h
DC4 14h %T 25h 54h
NAK 15h %U 25h 55h
SYN 16h %V 25h 56h
ETB 17h %W 25h 57h
CAN 18h %X 25h 58h
EM 19h %Y 25h 59h
SUB 1Ah %Z 25h 5Ah
ESC 1Bh %[ 25h 5Bh
FC 1Ch %Ñ 25h 5Ch
GS 1Dh %] 25h 5Dh
RS 1Eh %^ 25h 5Eh
US 1Fh %_ 25h 5Fh
DEL 7Fh %5 25h 35h Special Code Format
Code Format
% 25h %0 25h 30h Function Codes Format
Code Format
FNC1 %1 25h 31h *
FNC2 %2 25h 32h *
FNC3 %3 25h 33h *
FNC4 %4 25h 34h *
* = For CODE 128 only