Chapter 4. Installation 121
2. Run the following commands to update additional patches to the summit
cd /usr/src/linux-2.4.9-e.3
patch -pl </usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/linux-2.4.9-summit.patch
3. Copy new kernel config (kernel-2.4.9-i686-summit.config) to .config:
cp -f configs/kernel-2.4.9-i686-summit.config .config
4. Edit the makefile to change the EXTRAVERSION field from custom to summit.
5. Run make clean.
6. Run make menuconfig. Exit menuconfig, saving the new kernel configuration
when prompted.
7. Run make dep.
8. Proceed with compiling the kernel.
9. Connect to the Red Hat network to update your Red Hat Advanced Server
with the latest patches.
Hyper-Threading support under Linux
Hyper-Threading support is part of the summit kernel. Once the kernel has been
installed and compiled, and you enable Hype-Threading support in the BIOS,
Red Hat Linux Advanced Server will recognize all your physical and virtual
RXE-100 support under Linux
Once the summit kernel is installed and configured, you have access to your
RXE-100 and adapters added to the external enclosure.
4.3.3 NetWare installation
In this section we describe what should be considered when installing NetWare 6
on an x440.
Before installing NetWare on x440, ensure that the BIOS and firmware levels
have been updated to the latest level. See 4.1.1, “Updating BIOS and firmware”
on page 108 for details.
Note: Attach your RXE-100 to x440 server after the installation of Red Hat
Linux Advanced Server. Also currently only the first six PCI slots are
supported under Red Hat Linux.