
Demo User’s Guide
Command Syntax Description
RCV[/t=x | /m=x] Wait to receive a single transmission from
[/PTR[n] | /PUN[n] | /EXCH[n]] the host.
/t=x - Time-out after x seconds.
/m=x - Time-out after x minutes.
/PTR[n], /PUN[n], /EXCH[n] - Receive only
printer, punch or exchange files on
subaddress n.
RCV_FC /d | /i /d - Decode format control characters during
/i - Ignore format control characters during
RCV_IRS /c | /s | /i /c - Convert IRS characters to CR-LFs
during receive.
/s - Strip (remove) IRS characters during
/i - Ignore IRS characters during receive.
RCV_PAD /on | /off Turn record padding on or off during
RCVM [/t=x | /m=x] Wait to receive at least 1 transmission from
[/PTR[n] | /PUN[n] | /EXCH[n]] the host.
/t=x - Time-out after x seconds.
/m=x - Time-out after x minutes.
/PTR[n], /PUN[n], /EXCH[n] - Receive only
printer, punch or exchange files on
subaddress n.
RDRRL xxx Set reader record length.
RENAME filename1 filename2 Rename filename1 to filename2.
SEND [[b] | [j] | [p]]file Send single or multiple files.
[+[[b] | [j] | [p]]file...] + - Send files as multiple files.
[&[[b] | [j] | [p]]file...] & - Send files as one file.
[[/p | /j] | /b] /p, [p] - Pad each record with spaces.
/b, [b] - Transmit in binary mode.
/j, [j] - Scan for include records.
SEND_IRS /c | /s | /i /c - Convert CR-LFs to IRS characters
during send.
/s - Strip (remove) CR-LFs during send.
/i - Ignore CR-LFs during send.
SEND_PAD /on | /off Turn record padding on or off during send.
SIGNAL [msg] [/t=x] [/a] Write to a pipe.
/t - Time-out after x seconds.
/a - Do not wait for reply.