Ps Mode
0 (X'30') Reset display mode. Characters written after this command are reset
to normal display mode.
5 (X'35)' Blinking mode. Characters written after this command blink ON and
OFF every 0.3 seconds.
7 (X'37') Reverse mode. Characters written after this command are reversed.
User-definable font set
1B 5C 3F 4C 57 Pf 3B Pn 3B Pc 3B Pd...Pd
This command specifies a user-definable font set. The control bytes
embedded in the command sequence (represented by Pf, Pn, and Pc in the
preceding command format), change the font characteristics. Pd...Pd
represents the font data bytes.
Pf (font size) 1 (X'31'): 5x7 dots (ANK)
2 (X'32'): 8x16 dots
3 (X'33'): 16x16 dots
Pn (font number) 1 ∼ 32 (X'31' ∼ X'33', X'32') Pf=1, 2
1 ∼ 16 (X'31' ∼ X'31', X'36') Pf=3
Pc (registration
2 hex digits Pf=1, 2
4 hex digits (Pf=3)
Pd...Pd 2 hex digits x 7 Pf=1
2 hex digits x 16 Pf=2
2 hex digits x 2 x 16 Pf=3
Note: All data is stored into RAM. You must issue this command every
time you switch ON the power.
Available registration address can be established as follows:
1. Font size 5x7
At the all language
Font size 8x16
X'01'--X'FF' (except X'08', X'0A', X'OD', X'1B')
X'20'--X'7F', X'A0'--X'DF'
Korean, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese
X'20'~ X'A0'
Font size 16x16
Japanese JIS X 0208-1990 (Font selection X'1B', X'53', X'31')
X'8140'--X'81FF', X'8240'--X'84FF' (Positions X'8200'--X'823F' are not
X'8840'--X'88FF', X'8940'--X'9FFF' (Positions X'8900'--X'893F' are not available.)
X'E040'--X'E0FF', X'E140'--X'EAFF' (Positions X'E100'--X'E13F' are not
KS C 5601-1992 (Font selection X'1B', X'53', X'32')
X'A1A0'--X'A1FF', X'A2A0'--X'ACFF' (Positions X'8200'--X'829F' are not
Input/output device commands
Appendix A. Input/output device commands A-13