PC Processors (Intel Celeron M)
Code name
MMX™ / Streaming SIMD
Power mgmt technology
L1 cache - bus
L1 data cache
L1 instruction cache
L2 cache - size
L2 cache - data path
L3 cache
System bus
Memory addressability
System bus - width
Execution units
Out-of-order instructions
Branch prediction
Speculative execution
Math coprocessor
Multiple processors
Technology (micron)
Package and connector
Frequency (MHz/GHz)
and available date
Chipset support
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© IBM Corp.
(33INTEL) Compiled by Roger Dodson, IBM. January 2004
Banias Celeron or ICP-M
Based on an architecture designed specifically for mobile computing, the Intel Celeron M processor delivers a balanced
level of mobile processor technology and exceptional value in sleeker, lighter notebook designs
IA-32 / micro-op fusion, dedicated stack manager, advanced branch prediction, power-optimized processor system bus
MMX™ (57 new instructions) / Streaming SIMD Extensions (70 new instructions)
Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (144 new instructions)
Auto Halt, Stop Grant, Deep Sleep, Deeper Sleep
256-bit data path / full speed
32KB data cache / integrated
32KB instruction cache / integrated
512KB / full speed (Advanced Transfer Cache)
256-bit data path (32 bytes) / 64 byte cache line size / 8-way set associative / integrated / unified (internal die; on die)
400MHz (transfers data four times per clock) / address bus transfers at two times per clock / 64 byte cache line size
64GB memory addressability / 36-bit addressing / address bus is double clocked at 200MHz
64-bit data path
2 integer units; 1 floating point units; 1 load unit; 1 store unit
Yes (out-of-order instruction execution)
Dynamic (based on history)
Yes (Advanced Dynamic Execution)
Pipelined floating point unit
Compatible with IA-32 software
No SMP support
Micro Flip-Chip Pin Grid Array (Micro-FCPGA) requires 479-pin surface mount Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) socket
(mPGA479M socket) or Micro Flip-Chip Ball Grid Array (Micro-FCBGA) for surface mount (479-ball)
Voltage Thermal Design Power Announce
800MHz Ultra Low Voltage 1.004 volts 7 watts January 2004
1.2GHz 1.356 volts 24.5 watts January 2004
1.3GHz 1.356 volts 24.5 watts January 2004
Intel 855 chipset family
Intel 852GM
Other compatible chipsets
M processor for mobile systems
Created by IBM PC Institute
Personal Systems Reference (PSREF)