Creating data CDs or backing up data files
To create data CDs use the following procedure:
1. Click Start --> Programs --> IBM RecordNow --> RecordNow.
2. Select the task you want to perform, and follow the prompts.
Viewing a DVD movie
After you have installed the CD-RW/DVD-ROM Combination Drive,
configured DMA, and installed DVD-viewing software, you can view a DVD
WinDVD will start automatically when you insert a DVD. If you want to start
WinDVD manually, follow these instructions:
1. Click Start, click Programs, and click Intervideo WinDVD.
2. Click Intervideo WinDVD.
The DVD movie player window opens. For more information on how to
use the DVD movie player, refer to the WinDVD online help by pressing
DVD region codes
Region codes help protect the contents of a DVD from unauthorized
duplication. The world is divided into six regions, and the MPEG-2 decoding
software contains a region-code setting that corresponds to the region in which
the drive will be used. Typically, each DVD is manufactured with a
region-code setting so that it can be viewed only on a DVD drive that has that
same region-code setting. The region-code setting of the DVD is indicated by a
region-code symbol on the back of the packaging. The following table lists the
six region codes and their corresponding region-code symbol.
Region code Region
1 U.S., Canada
2 Europe, Middle East, South Africa, Japan
3 Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Korea
4 Latin America, Australia, New Zealand
5 Former Soviet Union, the rest of Africa, India
6 People’s Republic of China
You will be prompted for the initial region selection. If you insert a DVD with
a different region code than the initial region-code, WinDVD will ask if you
want to change the region code setting. You can change the region code from
your initial setting up to four times after setting the initial region code. After
1-12 IBM 32X/10X/40X/16X MAX CD-RW/DVD-ROM Combination Drive: User’s Guide