
Chapter 6. Solving problems 95
264 Magnetic tape
Aborted Test setup error: No tape drive found Check the cable and
power connections to
the drive.
Refer to the information
that is provided with the
tape drive.
If the problem persists,
call for service.
Failed The load/mount test failed for device n on adapter m
(where n is the number of the device and m is the
adapter number)
Refer to the information
provided with the tape
If the problem persists,
call for service.
Note: The push
button test is
applicable only
to SCSI tape
drives that
have a push
The Self-diagnostic failed for device n on adapter m.
(where n is the number of the device and m is the
adapter number)
The unload/eject test failed for device n on adapter m
(where n is the number of the device and m is the
adapter number)
The unload/eject push button test failed for device n
on adapter m
(where n is the number of the device and m is the
adapter number)
The Read/Write Self-diagnostic failed for device n on
adapter m
(where n is the number of the device and m is the
adapter number)
Insert a new tape
cartridge; then, run the
diagnostic test again.
Refer to the information
that is provided with the
tape drive.
If the problem persists,
call for service.
301 Keyboard Failed On system board keyboard test failed 1. Verify that the
keyboard cable is
2. If the problem
remains, replace the
keyboard cable.
If the problem persists,
call for service.
302 Mouse Failed On system board pointing device test failed. Replace the pointing
device. If the problem
persists, call for service.
305 Video monitor Any message Refer to the information
that came with the
Code Function Result Text message Action