
Infoprint 1650 MFP Configuration Guide
Information Subject to Change
Application Solutions Bar Code and Decryption Card
Q: Does your customer need to produce and/or print barcodes on their business documents? Would
the customer benefit from the capability to be able to encrypt their print datastream for subsequent
decryption at the printer? Does your customer have a need to print images or Web pages directly to
their printer without using a driver?
G: If yes, one of the following application solutions may be beneficial.
G: The primary target audience for the Bar Code Card is businesses that need to produce and print bar
codes from virtually any application. The Bar Code Card produces bar codes using either PCL escape
sequences or PostScript commands.
G: The Decryption card enables a high level of security for proprietary and confidential documents. It
enables documents to be encrypted at an appropriately configured host for subsequent decryption at
the printer. This can be useful if the print datastream is traveling from the host to the printer over a
non-secure network (HOST SOFTWARE IS REQUIRED).
PDS through Print Services Facility (PSF) and with IBM Infoprint Manager.
G: For more information on Application Solutions, please reference the Sales manual online or call
Bar code Card
PN: 39V0227
PN 39V0228
Memory SDRAM, Flash, and Hard Drive
Q: Is your customer going to be printing complex jobs
(lot of graphics / images), are they going to be running
applications that will require fonts to be downloaded,
or will they be sharing the printer with a number of
users (job queuing may be required)?
G: The 1650 comes standard with128 MB memory.
G: For complex jobs, the customer can purchase
some additional SDRAM memory. The 1650 can be
configured with as much as 640MB by installing one
512MB DIMM in addition to the 128MB of standard
memory onboard.
G: To store fonts or other resources on the printer the
customer can purchase flash memory. Storing fonts
on the printer improves performance because the
fonts will not have to be downloaded from the host for
use on the printer with each new print job.
G: The printer has ONE memory slot for SDRAM and
TWO slots available for Flash memory/Application
Solution Card. Only 1 Flash memory card allowed.
PN: 75P6986
PN: 75P6987
SDRAM Memory Options (max =1)
32MB Flash
PN: 75P6989
64MB Flash
PN: 75P6990
PN: 75P6988
Flash Memory Options (max = 1)