
CPU. Central processing unit.
CRC. See cyclic redundancy check (CRC).
CSD. corrective service diskette.
cable segment. A section of cable between
components or devices on a network. A segment may
consist of a single patch cable, multiple patch cables
connected together, or a combination of building cable
and patch cables connected together. See LAN
segment, ring segment.
computer architecture. The organizational structure
of a computer system, including hardware and software.
configuration. (1) The arrangement of a computer
system or network as defined by the nature, number,
and chief characteristics of its functional units. More
specifically, the term may refer to a hardware
configuration or a software configuration. (2) The
devices and programs that make up a system,
subsystem, or network. See also system configuration.
connect. In a LAN, to physically join a cable from a
station to an access unit or network connection point.
Contrast with attach.
control block. (1) A storage area used by a computer
program to hold control information. (2) In the IBM
Token-Ring Network, a specifically formatted block of
information provided from the application program to the
Adapter Support Interface to request an operation.
cyclic redundancy check (CRC). Synonym for frame
check sequence (FCS).
data rate. See data transfer rate, line data rate.
data transfer rate. The average number of bits,
characters, or blocks per unit of time passing between
equipment in a data-transmission session. The rate is
expressed in bits, characters, or blocks per second,
minute, or hour.
default. Pertaining to an attribute, value, or option that
is assumed when none is explicitly specified.
default value. A value assumed when no value has
been specified.
device driver. The code needed to attach and use a
device on a computer or a network.
diagnostics. Modules or tests used by computer users
and service personnel to diagnose hardware problems.
DLS. DOS LAN Services
DOS. See IBM Personal Computer Disk Operating
System (DOS).
duplex. In data communication, pertaining to a
simultaneous two-way independent transmission in both
directions. Synonymous with full-duplex. Contrast with
EISA. Extended Industry Standard Architecture.
enabled. (1) On a LAN, pertaining to an adapter or
device that is active, operational, and able to receive
frames from the network. (2) Pertaining to a state of a
processing unit that allows the occurrence of certain
types of interruptions. (3) Pertaining to the state in
which a transmission control unit or an audio response
unit can accept incoming calls on a line.
FCS. See frame check sequence (FCS)
frame. (1) The unit of transmission in some LANs,
including the IBM Token-Ring Network and the IBM PC
Network. It includes delimiters, control characters,
information, and checking characters. On a token-ring
network, a frame is created from a token when the
token has data appended to it. On a token bus network
(IBM PC Network), all frames including the token frame
contain a preamble, start delimiter, control address,
optional data and checking characters, end delimiter,
and are followed by a minimum silence period. (2) A
housing for machine elements. (3) In synchronous data
link control (SDLC), the vehicle for every command,
every response, and all information that is transmitted
using SDLC procedures. Each frame begins and ends
with a flag.
frame check sequence (FCS). (1) A system of error
checking performed at both the sending and receiving
station after a block check character has been
accumulated. (2) A numeric value derived from the bits
in a message that is used to check for any bit errors in
transmission. (3) A redundancy check in which the
check key is generated by a cyclic algorithm.
Synonymous with cyclic redundancy check (CRC).
FTP. File Transfer Protocol.
full-duplex. Synonym for duplex.
group address. In a LAN, a locally administered
address assigned to two or more adapters to allow the
adapters to copy the same frame. Contrast locally
administered address with universally administered
98 IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter