
Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800
Resident fonts
Your printer is equipped with resident fonts stored permanently in printer memory. Different fonts are
available in PCL 6 and PostScript 3 emulations. Some of the most popular typefaces, like Courier and
Times New Roman, are available for all printer languages.
The following table lists all the fonts resident in your printer. See
Printing a font sample list for
instructions on how to print samples of the fonts. You can select the resident fonts from your software
application, or from the operator panel if you are using PCL 6 emulation.
Resident scalable fonts
PCL 6 emulation PostScript 3 emulation
Albertus Medium AlbertusMT
Albertus Extra Bold
Antique Olive AntiqueOlive-Roman
Antique Olive Italic AntiqueOlive-Italic
Antique Olive Bold AntiqueOlive-Bold
Arial ArialMT
Arial Italic Arial-ItalicMT
Arial Bold Arial-BoldMT
Arial Bold Italic Arial-BoldItalicMT
ITC Avant Garde Book AvantGarde-Book
ITC Avant Garde Book Oblique AvantGarde-BookOblique
ITC Avant Garde Demi AvantGarde-Demi
ITC Avant Garde Demi Oblique AvantGarde-DemiOblique
ITC Bookman Light Bookman-Light
ITC Bookman Light Italic Bookman-LightItalic
ITC Bookman Demi Bookman-Demi
ITC Bookman Demi Italic Bookman-DemiItalic
Clarendon Condensed Bold
Coronet Coronet-Regular
CourierPS Courier
CourierPS Oblique Courier-Oblique
CourierPS Bold Courier-Bold
CourierPS Bold Italic Courier-BoldOblique
CG Omega
CG Omega Bold