English - 11
Speed and direction setting is often a matter of per-
sonal choice. Operators are encouraged to experiment
to fi nd which settings best suit the given applications.
The following table lists some suggested set-ups for
different applications.
Application Planetary
Grinding disc
Grinding disc
Ceramic tile adhesive removal FWD 6-7 FWD 8-10
Carpet glue removal FWD 5-7 FWD 8-10
Epoxy paint removal FWD 5-10 FWD 8-10
Rain damaged concrete FWD 7-10 FWD 8-10
Smoothen exposed aggregate FWD 7-8 FWD 8-10
Lippage removal in terrazzo/stone tiles FWD 5-7 FWD 8-10
Concrete polishing with resin bond pads FWD 10 FWD 8-10
PIRANHA™ scraper tool REV 3-5 REV 3-5
FLEXOR™ fl exible heads FWD 5-7 FWD 5-7
Bushhammer/Scarrifi er tools FWD 5 FWD 5-7
Re-grouting procedure during HiPERFLOOR™
FWD 8-10 FWD 3-5
In the above table, FWD & FWD are listed
together to indicate direction settings in the
same direction (i.e. It can also be REV/REV).
The only application where direction set-
tings must be in the same directions and also
direction specifi c is when using the PIRA-
NHA™ scraper tools. In this particular ap-
plication the setting must be in the REV/REV
Direction of rotation
The correlation between FWD/REV & Clockwise/Coun-
ter clockwise rotation can be said as follows if looking
at the grinding discs from underneath the machine:
1. REV—Clockwise.
2. FWD—Reverse.
As mentioned, when the machine is in operation it will
“pull” to one side. The direction of pull is determined by
the planetary head direction of rotation. The head of
the machine will pull to the right (and therefore, will be
felt on the right hip of the operator) when the planetary
head is set in the REVERSE direction.
This sideways pull can be very useful when grinding,
particularly along a wall. Set the machine so that it
pulls towards the wall, and then control the machine so
it can just touch the wall. This will ensure a grind close
to the wall or object.
Direction is also a matter of personal preference. It
should be noted, however, that when both grinding
discs and planetary heads are running in the same
direction, a more powerful grinding force is created be-
tween the diamond abrasives and fl oor being ground.
The end result is higher productivity than when the
discs are set to run in opposite directions. It is here
that you will also experience the beneift of Dual Drive
Production tip - To improve the cutting effi ciency of
diamonds, change directions on a regular basis. This
will work both sides of the diamond crystals, keeping
the abrasives as sharp as possible by creating maxi-
mal exposure of the diamond crystal.
Once both a speed and direction have been
nominated, switch on dust extraction or vacuum de-
It is highly recommended to use the Husq-
varna DC 5500 dust extraction system
for complete dust control.
Standing behind machine with handlebars set as
described earlier, apply a small amount of downward
pressure on the handle. Switch the machine to run
mode using the STOP/RUN switch on the control
panel. The machine should start smoothly and acceler-
ate to the selected speed over a period of 5 seconds
Setting up/Operation