Design and construction of the
M7 WoodWorkers Milll, plus
manual text and pictures:
Mattias Byström.
As LOGOSOL is constantly
developing and improving all
machines and devices, we
must reserve the right to
change the design, technical
characteristics and equipment
of our machines.
Printed on chlorine-free paper
using vegetable-oil based ink.
Manual, part. no.:
Copyright 2003 Logosol, Härnö-
sand, Sweden
Safety Rules 6
Description 8
Technical Specifications 8
Assembly 8
Tools Needed 8
M7 Components 9
Assembly: frame 10
Assembly: guide rail 11
Assembly: cross beam 11
Assembly: guide rail strut 11
Assembly: log side-rest 12
Assembly: log bed 12
Assembly: saddle plate 13
Assembly: rachet 13
crank and lifting cable 14
Assembly: edge support 14
Assembly: carriage 15
Assembly: chain guard 16
Assembly: extender nuts 16
Assembly: chain-saw 17
Assembly: spiked log grip 18
Siting 19
Adjustments – log bed 20
Adjustments –guide bar 21
Step-by-step Sawing 22
Sawing Tips 23
Material Drying 24
Trouble-shooting 25
Cutting Equipment 26
Accessories 28
Parts List 29
EU Declaration 30
You are now the owner of a
Logosol M7 WoodWorkers
Mill, the result of our collective
experience and dedicated
efforts since 1988. There are
currently more than fifteen
thousand Logosol Sawmill in
use in Sweden and the rest of
the world, making the Logosol
Portable sawmills the top
seller world-wide.
The goal for Logosol’s
development effort is to de-
sign smaller and lighter
machines that solve a task
intelligently, but without
lowering the quality of the
finished product. To top it off,
Logosol products must be
affordably priced so as to
make them available to
everyone working with wood.
Logosol produces a large
range of products, enabling a
single person to handle the
entire production chain from
forest felling to finished
In addition to various sized
sawmills, the range includes
such products as a multi-
sided planer providing
exellent profiling. For more
information on Logosol
products and accessories,
send for our catalog.
For us, the most important
consideration is that you are
100% satisfied with your M7
WoodWorkers Mill. If you have
any questions or thoughts
about the sawmill, please do
not hesitate to contact us.
In closing, I wish you much
enjoyment and success with
your future Woodworking
Bengt-Olov Byström
Precident Logosol