888 Porter Rd. Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone: 231.798.8888 Fax: 231.798.4960 www.structuralconcepts.com
Temperature Settings
• Assembly or disassembly and servicing
to be accomplished by licensed
electrical / refrigeration contractor.
• The case temperature is set at the factory,
as determined by the case size.
• The temperature can be controlled by a
manual thermostat. Switch is on the control
panel rear right hand side of base.
• If a temperature setting change is required,
rotate the control in the desired direction
and monitor the thermometer for the
corrected air temperature change.
Refrigeration: Access, Connections &
• Assembly or disassembly and servicing
to be accomplished by licensed
refrigeration contractor.
• Service connections are located on the
compressor / condenser assembly.
• Refrigerant lines are flexible to facilitate
rear access maintenance to condenser.
• Plastic glides are mounted to the unit base
to assist in sliding the condenser out for
• Remove the rear grill by removing the six
screws located on both sides of the grill.
• Remove structural stiffener by removing the
four screws located on at bottom edge of
the base.
• Withdraw the unit using pull flanges on
condenser frame.
Rear Grill
Condenser Frame