Holiday Function (Models FFA80, FFA70/FFS70 only)
This feature allows you to set your fridge compartment to a warmer setting while you
are away on holiday, to reduce running costs without affecting the freezer.
To set up holiday mode:
1. Remove any food,from the fridge compartment,that will deteriorate while you
are away. Make sure the fridge is clean.
2. Close the door.
3. Press the holiday button and the amber holiday indicator light will show that
holiday mode is set.
To reset to normal operation:
1. Press the holiday button OR open the fridge door. The amber holiday indicator
light will go out to show holiday mode is cancelled.
2. The fridge compartment will return to the temperature set on the fridge
temperature control wheel.
Note : Opening the door or pressing the holiday button at any time after holiday
mode has been set will turn the function off. The holiday button works
independently of the fridge temperature control wheel.