on each sideofthetemperature S-
use cleansingpowdersor other
‘Me door handlesand trimcan be
cleanedwitha clothdampenedwith
a solutionofmildliquiddishwashing
detergentand water.Dry witha soft
cloth. Don’tusewaxon thedoor
handlesand trim.
On othermodels,
a bulb and socket ~ ~@m =:
are locatedbehind
a shielddirectly .’fi~~x~~’~’
Tohelppreventodors, leave
an openbox ofbakingsodain the
rear ofthe refrigerator,on the top
shelf. Changethe boxevery three
months. An open boxof baking
soda inthe freezer will absorb
stalefreezer odors.
belowtemperature = ~
Keepthe finishclean. Wipewith
a clean cloth, lightlydampened
with kitchenappliancewaxor m“ild
and polishwitha clean, softcloth.
Do notwipe therefrigeratorwith a
soileddishwashingcloth or wet
towel.These mayleavea residue
thatcan erode thepaint. Do notuse
Toreplacea lightbulb, unplug
the refrigerator’s powercord piug
from the walloutlet. Then reach
up behindthe shield,unscrewthe
burned-outbulb,and replaceitwith
a standard40-wattappliancebulb.
Behind refrigerator
Care shouldbe taken in moving
scouringpads, powderedcleaners,
bleachor cIeanerscontaining
scratchand weakenthe paintfinish.
Protect the paint finish. Theftish
on the outsideof the refrigeratoris
your refrigerator awayfrom the
wall. Alltypes of floor coverings
can be damaged, particularly
cushioned coveringsand those
with embossed surfaces. If your
refrigerator is on wheels, pull it
For extended.vacationsor
absences, shutoffpower to
refrigerator,turn thenumbered
controlto OFF position, clean
interior with bakingsoda solution
of onetablespoonof sodato one
quartofwater.W@edry. Toprevent
odors, leaveopen boxof soda in
refrigerator. Leavedoors open.
a highquality,bake&onp&t finish.
Withproper care, itwill staynew-
lookingand rust-freefor years.
straightout and return it to position
by pushingit straight in. Moving
your refrigerator in a side direction
may result in damage to your floor
coveringor refrigerator.
Apply; coat ofkitchen a~pliance
wax when the refrigerator isnew,
and then at leasttwice a year.
Appliance PolishWax& Cleaner
(Cat. No.
WKJ7X216) is available
Inside of fresh food and freezer
compartments should be cleaned
fitleast once a year. Unplug the
refrigerator beforecleaning. If this
is notpractical, wring excess
moisture out of spongeor cloth
when cleaning around switches,
lightsor contro]s.
Use warm water and baking soda
solution—abouta tablespoonof
baking soda to a quart of water.
This both cleans and neutralizes
odors. Rinse thoroughly with
water and wipe dry.
,~~Othm parts of the refrigerator–
,.~+>includingdoor gaskets, meat and
vegetabledrawers, ice storage
j%-”bin and all plastic parts—can be
L.+”~Icarwdthe same way. Do not
Forshorter vacations, remove
perishable foods andleavecontrols
atregular settings.However,ifroom
temperature is expectedto drop
below60”F.followsame instructions
as for extendedvacations.
The condenser is located behind
the base grille. For most efficient
operation, you need to keep the
condenser clean. Removethe base
grille(seepage4), and eithersweep
awayor vacuumdustthatis readily
If you havean icemaker, setit
to the OFF positionand be sure to
shutoff water supplyto refrigerator.
when you move
Disconnect powercord from wall
outlet, remove all food and clean
and dry the interior.
Secure all 10WXitems such as
grille, shelves, storagepans and ice
trays bytaping them securely in
place to prevent damage.
Light i!bdbreplacement
Be sure refrigerator staysin upright
position only during actual moving
and in van. Refrigerator must be
secured invanto preventrnovem.ent.
Protect outside of refrigerator with
On some models, a light bulb and
socket are located behind a shield