Continued ➜
Replace brush roll cover (E) over agitator
b r ush roll. Replace 3 short scre w s .
4 - 1 7
4 - 1 8
4 - 1 9
4 - 2 0
Position hood on top of nozzle base.
Tu r n nozzle over. Replace 2 short scre w s
at the back of nozzle and 2 long scre w s
at the fro n t .
Agitator brushes and
brush roll re p l a c e m e n t
When to replace brushes
With CORDED hose,disconnect hose
p ower cord from electrical outlet. W i t h
CORDLESS hose,disconnect end of
hose from electrified inlet va l v e.
When brush roll brushes are worn, the
b r ush roll should be re p l a c e d .
To check condition of brushes, move
edge of a card across bottom plate while
t u r ning brush roll. To maintain cleaning
e ffectiveness, replace brush roll if bru s h e s
do not touch card .
What to buy
When purchasing a new agitator bru s h
roll, ask for HOOVER p a r t n o .4 8 4 1 4 - 0 7 1 .
How to replace
With CORDED hose,disconnect hose
p ower cord from electrical outlet. W i t h
CORDLESS hose,disconnect end of
hose from electrified inlet va l v e.
1. Remove hood, duct cover, belt and
b r ush roll as shown in Figs. 4-10 to 4-15.
2. Discard old brush ro l l .
3. Replace new brush roll and belt as
shown in Figs. 4-16 to 4-18.
Headlight re p l a c e -
m e n t
The headlight, located on top of the
power nozzle, operates when the clean-
er is turned on. Use only HOOVER
part no. 27317-307, which is a fused
bulb, when replacing the headlight.
How to replace
Disconnect cleaner from electrical
outlet and disconnect power nozzle
from extension wands.
1. Remove the hood as shown in
Figs. 4-10 and 4-11.
2. Push old bulb into socket and twist to
remove. Push new bulb into socket and
twist into place.
3. Replace hood.
Problem: Agitator brush roll
won’t run
Possible cause
Possible solution
• Hose power cord, nozzle power
cord or cordless hose, not
firmly plugged in.
• Plug firmly into receptacle.
• Broken or worn belt.
• Replace belt.
• Floor surface set to “BARE” in
wrong position.
• Set floor surface to “RUG” posi-
5. If you have a
p ro b l e m
If a minor problem occurs, it usually can
be solved quite easily when the cause is
found by using the check list below.
Edge groomer
When to replace
The edge groomers, located on both
sides of the nozzle, should be re p l a c e d
when they no longer extend past the sur-
face of the bottom plate.
4 - 2 1
What to buy
When purchasing edge groomers, ask for
Hoover p a r t n o .3 9 5 1 1 0 0 4 .
How to replace
Disconnect cleaner from electrical
1. Remove hood and b rush ro l l cover as
shown in Figs. 4-10 to 4-13.
2. Pull off both old edge groomers (I).
3.Push each new groomer onto the 3
tabs (J), starting with one of the end
tabs. Then push the groomer onto the
middle and remaining end tab.
4. Replace brush roll cover and hood as
shown in Figs. 4-17 and 4-18.