2 - 14
Emulate External Keyboard should be scanned if you do not have an external keyboard (IBM AT or equivalent).
Note: After scanning the Emulate External Keyboard bar code, you must power cycle your computer.
Keyboard Conversion
Alphabetic keyboard characters can be forced to be all upper case or all lowercase. So if you have the following bar code:
“abc569GK,” you can make the output “ABC569GK” by scanning Convert All Characters to Upper Case, or to “abc569gk” by
scanning Convert All Characters to Lower Case.
These settings override Keyboard Style selections.
Note: If your interface is a keyboard wedge, first scan the menu code for Automatic Caps Lock (page 2-13). Otherwise, your
output may not be as expected.
Default = Keyboard Conversion Off.
Control Character Output
This selection sends a text string instead of a control character. For example, when the control character for a carriage return is
expected, the output would display [CR] instead of the ASCII code of 0D. Refer to ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page
1252) on page A-3. Only codes 00 through 1F are converted (the first column of the chart).
Note: Control + X (Control + ASCII) Mode overrides this mode.
Default = Off.
Emulate External Keyboard
* Keyboard Conversion Off
Convert All Characters
to Upper Case
Convert All Characters
to Lower Case
Control Character Output On
* Control Character Output Off