MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual
CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C
3.3.6 Category 6 – Terrain Display Select
Category 6 defines the Terrain Display options available.
Appendix E
Table E 3.1.6
defines the Terrain Display Select options (
Display Configuration
Group Tables, Display Input Control Group Tables
Output 429 Bus Group Tables)
identifies the first MK XXII EGPWS version in which the option was available (see the Effectivity
Note: TA&D mode
is controlled by Category 6. Chose ID 2 for aircraft without
TA&D. Instructions
Using Appendix E
Tables E3.1.6 and E 3.1.6-x
select the Terrain Display Select Type (ID)
that matches the aircraft configuration, feature preferences and version (part number) being
installed. Record the ID number for the Terrain Display Select Type from Appendix E
Table E
under the Ident No. heading for Step (Category) 6
2. Using the I D number
Table E 3.1.6
as “x”, go to the Table E 3.1.6-x
The electrical interfaces
(pin-outs) for the Display are shown in the
Display Configuration Group, Display Input
Control Group, and Output 429 Bus Group, Table
E 3.1.6-x are used to generate the
installation wiring diagrams. Determine the wiring interconnects and record it on Appendix A
Fig A1-1.
Figure 3.8-1 is an example of single tube Wx/Terrain display wiring connections. TAD Selection
The Terrain Awareness & Display feature consists of a Terrain Awareness Alerting feature and a
Terrain Awareness Display feature. The Terrain Awareness Alerting feature continuously
computes terrain clearance envelopes ahead of the aircraft and issues alerts if the boundaries of
these envelopes conflict with terrain elevation data in the terrain database. The Terrain
Awareness Display feature displays the terrain data relative to aircraft altitude.
A “False” entry in Appendix E
Table E 3.1.6
for “TAD Disable” indicates that TA&D is ENABLED
(the “Disable” is disabled).