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Use the BYPASS key when you want to arm your system with one or more zones intentionally
unprotected. Bypassed zones are unprotected and will not cause an alarm when violated while your
system is armed.
All bypasses are removed when an OFF sequence (security code plus OFF) is
. Bypasses are also removed if the arming procedure that follows the bypass command is
not successful.
The system will not allow fire zones to be bypassed.
The system must be disarmed first.
To bypass a zone(s):
All single-digit numbers must be preceded by a zero (for example, enter 01 for zone 1).
The keypad will provide a confirmation beep and display the word “BYPASS” along with each bypassed
zone number. Wait for these zones to be displayed, to be sure that intended zones are bypassed.
Arm the system as usual when the keypad displays the READY LED on steady.
Your system may allow you to easily bypass all open (faulted) zones without having to enter zone
numbers individually. Ask your installer if this feature is active.
To bypass a zone(s):
In a few moments, all open zones will be displayed along with the word “BYPASS.” Wait for these
zones to be displayed before arming. Arming the system before zones are displayed eliminates all
Arm the system as usual when the keypad displays the READY LED on steady.
Displaying Bypassed Zones
The system allows you to determine what zones have been previously bypassed. Bypassed zones can be
displayed only when the system is disarmed, and when the “BYPASS” message described above is
To display bypassed zone(s):
In a few moments, all open zones will be sequentially displayed along with the word “BYPASS.”