Rev 5, April/2003 10521I05.TDC Page C-9
Data Loader Error Messages
Data Loader Er-
Definition Suggested Action
Loader Not Ready This indicates that the
computer and the GPS
are not making a con-
nection with each other.
1. Since the database is not a DOS program, it is
not compatible with WINDOWS.
It is necessary to boot the computer from the dis-
kettes, and not allow WINDOWS to ever start.
2. Some computers do not have the Com Ports
enabled until WINDOWS is running. Through the
Configuration Setup of your computer, the Com
Port can be enabled. Refer to the owner’s manual
of your computer.
3. Verify the wiring of the data loader cable and
aircraft harness.
Check sum error Indicates an error on the
database diskettes.
Try an old cycle. If the old cycle diskette works,
contact AlliedSignal Navigation Services for a re-
placement diskette.
Disk compatibility
This indicates a prob-
lem with the diskette.
Verify that Windows is not running and that you
booted the computer from the database diskette.
Try an old cycle. If the old cycle diskette works,
contact AlliedSignal Navigation Services for a re-
placement diskette.
Available Updates
Already Used
The disk has been pre-
viously used on another
GPS. When a disk
writes to a GPS, the disk
gets keyed so that it
may not be used to up-
date another GPS. The
disk may be used as
many times as desired
on that GPS, but not on
more than one.
Obtain a new disk from AlliedSignal Navigation