User Code Setup (cont'd)
2. Enter your Authorized code. The “User
Options” screen is displayed.
Note: The authorized code for adding
users is dependent upon the system you
have. Check with your system installer to
determine who can add users.
3. Press the box next to Enter User
Name. The Enter Data keyboard screen
is displayed.
4. Type in the user name (6 characters
max.) and press the OK button. The
“User Options” screen is displayed with
Enter User Code… displayed.
• Use the Shift button for capital letters.
• Use the BS (Backspace) button to
make corrections.
• The @#$ button is not available for use
at this time. These characters cannot
be saved to the control panel.
5. Touch the box next to Enter User
Code… The "User Authorization" screen
is displayed with the instructions Enter 4