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Read Time-Out (Serial Trigger Mode)
Use this selection to set a time-out (in milliseconds) of the image scanner’s
trigger when using serial commands to trigger the image scanner. Once the
image scanner has timed out, you can activate the image scanner either by
pressing the trigger or using a serial trigger command. After scanning the Read
Time-Out bar code, set the time-out duration (from 0-300,000 milliseconds) by
scanning digits on the Programming Chart inside the back cover, then scanning
Default = 30,000 ms.
Image Scanner Power Time-Out Timer
Note: The Image Scanner Power Time-out Timer option only applies to Manual/
Serial Trigger.
When there is no activity within a specified time period, the image scanner enters
low power mode. Scan the appropriate Image Scanner Power Time-Out bar
code to change the time-out duration (in seconds).
Note: Scanning zero (0) is the equivalent of setting no time-out.