VISTA-40 Installation and Setup Guide
Primary Phone Number
Enter 0-9; #11 for *, #12 for #, #13 for a 2-
second pause.
Enter the primary central station phone number, up to 17 digits. This is
the phone number the control will use to transmit Alarm and status
messages to the central station. Do not fill unused spaces.
NOTE: Backup reporting is automatic only if a secondary phone number
is entered.
Secondary Phone Number
Enter 0-9; #11 for *, #12 for #, #13 for a 2-
second pause.
Enter the secondary phone number, up to 17 digits. The secondary phone
number is used if communication on the primary number is unsuccessful,
or if split/dual reporting is desired. Do not fill unused spaces.
NOTE: If this field is programmed, a secondary subscriber account
number (field *90) must also be programmed.
Download Phone Number
Enter 0-9; #11 for *, #12 for #, #13 for a 2-
second pause.
Enter the downloading phone number, up to 17 digits. Do not fill unused
NOTE: This field is applicable only if downloading is utilized.
Download ID Number
Make entries as 2-digit numbers as follows:
00=0 01=1 02=2 03=3 04=4 05=5
06=6 07=7 08=8 09=9 10=A 11=B
12=C 13=D 14=E 15=F
Enter eight digits.
NOTE: This field is applicable only if downloading is utilized.
Download Command Enables
0 = disable
1 = enable
Enabling a function means that you are able to perform that function via
the Compass Downloading software.
Functions are as follows: Dialer Shutdown; System Shutdown; Not Used;
Remote Bypass; Remote Disarm; Remote Arm; Upload Program;
Download Program.
For UL installations, all entries must be 0.
Prevent Zone XX Bypass
Enter a zone number (01-64).
Enter 00 if all zones can be bypassed.
Enter two digits for zone that cannot be bypassed by the user.
The actions manual bypass, and STAY/INSTANT arming modes cannot
bypass any zone programmed in this field.
Enable Open/Close Report for
Installer Code (partition-specific)
0 = disable
1 = enable
If enabled, whenever the Installer Code is used to arm or disarm the
partition, an open/close report is sent to the central station.
Enable Open/Close report for
0 = disable
1 = enable
If enabled, whenever the keyswitch is used to arm or disarm the partition,
an open/close report is sent to the central station.
Normally Closed or EOLR (Zones
0 = disable
1 = enable
If disabled, end-of-line resistors must be used on zones 2-8.
If enabled end-of-line resistors cannot be used and only normally closed
devices must be used.
Must be 0 for UL installations.
Dial Tone Pause
Enter the wait time for dial tone detection:
0 = 5 seconds; 1 = 11 seconds; 2 = 30
Enter the time the system waits for dial tone before dialing. Applies if
true dial tone is not selected in field *43.
Must be 0 for UL installations.