Selecting Codes
Enter the QUICK MENU. Press key 8 followed by the ent key.
User Codes
When the Codes option has been selected, press key 1 to access User
Codes. Display each of the user numbers using key A>. Each user
number offers options for PIN, level, name and where applicable time
zones and groups. When the user number to be modified is displayed,
press the ent key to access the Modify Pin option.
Modify Pin
The Modify Pin option allows a pin to be assigned to a user or an
existing PIN to be modified. The PIN must be a four, five or six digit
number that is unique to the system. If a duplicate PIN is assigned,
the message Duplicate Entry is displayed. As each digit is entered
it appears on the bottom line of the display. Pressing the * key erases
the last digit displayed. Continued pressing of the *key will erase all
of the digits. When the correct PIN has been assigned press the ent
key to accept the programming and return to the previous menu level.
When a PIN has been assigned to a user number, a solid box () is
displayed on the line of the user number details screen.
• Deleting a Pin
Existing PIN entries can be completely erased using the * key
instead of a digit entry. When there is no PIN assigned to a user
number a hollow square () is displayed in the top line of the
users details screen.
• Assigning Dual Codes
To program a user code as a Dual Code press the # key while
theModify PIN option is selected. The # displays at the start of
the assigned user PIN e.g. #5678. When a PIN has been as-
signed as a dual code two solid boxes () are displayed in the
top line of the users details screen.
• Dual Codes Operation
Entry of a single dual code cannot gain access to the menu, set
or unset the system. The message NO ACCESS – ADDI-
TIONAL CODE is displayed. A second dual code must be
entered within 60 seconds to access the menu, set or unset the
system. Dual codes can be of different levels. The highest level
code entered determines the access level to the system.
A single entry of a dual code, without a second dual code entry
within 60 seconds, results in an Illegal Code record in the
EventLog. All outputs programmed as Illegal Code are acti-
[ent] to Select
[ent] to Select
PIN + ent
1 = User Codes
001 USER
[ent] to Select
1 = Modify PIN
001 PIN
> 5678
Dual Code
001 USER
001 PIN
> #5678