
FlashGuard 2000B Troubleshooting Guide
Page 7
Section 7 Flashhead flashing slow (15 – 20 flashes per minute), strobe alarm on.
Possible Cause: Mis-configured or defective sync monitor board.
Diagnostic Test: Ensure the DIP switches on the sync monitor board are set correctly per the
manual. Visually verify that the red LED on the sync monitor board is
pulsing at 40 fpm.
Corrective Action: If the DIP switch settings are correct, and the red LED is not pulsing at 40
fpm, replace the sync monitor board.
Possible Cause: Current sense transformer wires are crossed, or current sense transformer
is defective.
Diagnostic Test: The brown wire should connect to the capacitor side of the current sense
transformer, the purple wire towards TB2.
Corrective Action: If the transformer wires are correct, replace the current sense transformer.
Section 8 Night mode very bright, no alarms.
Possible Cause: K2 relay open.
Diagnostic Test: Put the system in night mode. Check for 120 VAC across the coil of the K2
relay. Alternatively, remove the connectors and check resistance across the
K2 coil – it should be @ 300.
Corrective Action: Replace the K2 relay.
Section 9 Flashheads are operating, but out of sync.
Possible Cause: Sync monitor boards in the power supplies not configured correctly.
Diagnostic Test/ Corrective Action: Configure sync board as referenced in manual.
Possible Cause: Interconnecting wire between master and slave power supplies missing.
Diagnostic Test: Inspect wiring between power supplies. TB1 position 3 should be daisy-
chained between each power supply, per the installation wiring diagram.
Corrective Action: Install interconnecting wiring.