5.2.2 Factory Option
Item Default Options
M, U
M-Can enter factory mode
with factory RC or user RC.
U-Can enter factory mode
only with user' s RC.
Note: MODE "M" is only used for factory production.
5.2.3 Version Info
1 Version
2 Date
Note: Software version info of the TV,
Default Options Note
Software version
The date of current version
readable only.
5.2.4 Clear the EEPROM
Item Meaning Note
Clean Clean data except
Clear partly
Protected _ data and Auto Color data
Clean All Clear completely Clean all data
Note: The factory menu date varies according to different sources. Incase changing the factory
data by error, you can choose to "Clean Protected", by which you can resume the default value,
To clear the EEPROM:
a. Select the item "Cleall All".
b. Press VOL+ button to clear the EEPROMdata.
c. Close the OSD lllenu after 5 seconds.
d. Restart the TV.
5.3 Designer Menu
5.3.1 Video Mode
TV AV S-Video Component VGA HDMI
R Gain 119 119 119 141 127 120
G Gain 125 125 125 145 120 122
B Gain 130 130 130 145 130 132