
load take-up reel 38
modify configuration 26
optimize print quality 145
optimize suggested
actions 146
PANTONE emulation 107
pause printing 114
print diagnostic image 73
print quality 83
printhead information 78
replace ink absorber 139
replace ink cartridges 61
replace maintenance ctg. 75
replace printheads 63
reprint 115
reset paper advance 47
resize 87
rotate 90
select display contrast 25
select drying time 49
select graphics language 26
select I/O timeout 155, 157
select language 23
select palette 157
select paper mismatch
action 28
select paper size 85
select units 25
select wait time 93
sleep mode wait time 24
unload roll 37
unload take-up reel 43
view configuration 16
view ink levels 58
view loaded paper 46, 101
view paper details 48
view printhead status 59
when to start printing 114
front view
1.1m printer 5
1.5m printer 6
functional specifications 204
glossary 207
graininess 150
graphic languages 205
gray shades 91
hard disk specification 205
hold for preview
print job canceled and
purged 174
HP Care Packs 178
HP Customer Care 177
HP Installation 178
HP Instant Support 178
HP Proactive Support 178
HP Professional PANTONE
emulation 107
HP Start-up Kit 177
HP Support 179
HP Utility
access 24
cannot access 174
language 24
main features 10
HP-GL/2 26
image diagnostics print 72
image problems
blank page 155
clipped at bottom 155
clipped image 156
distorted print 157
missing objects 147
overlapping images 157
pen settings ineffective 157
small image 156
unexpected mirror image 157
unexpected rotation 157
unintelligible print 157
economical use of 93
usage 118
ink absorber
change 138
ink cartridge
about 58
cannot insert 165
information 77
inserting 62
maintenance 136
ordering 78
refilling 58
removing 60
specification 204
ink system status 77
ink system tips 60
Instant Support 178
internal prints 11
IP address 23
create 81
stored 82
submit 81
job queue
delete a job 115
Embedded Web Server 113
find a job 115
job preview; Embedded Web
Server 113
pause 114
prioritize a job 115
reprint a job 115
status messages 116
turn off 114
when to start printing 114
job status 116
Knowledge Center 177
language 23
line thickness 146
loading paper problems 160
loading roll into printer 36
loading roll onto spindle 33
lubricate the carriage 135
ricating the platen rollers 172
maintenance 136
maintenance cartridge
about 60
inserting 76
removing 74
specification 204
max. resolution 84
mechanical accuracy 205
memory error 172
memory specifications 205
mirror image unexpected 157
misaligned colors 148
models, product 2
move the printer 137
nesting 92
network settings 25
on/off 11
accessories 143
ink cartridges 78