RADIUS Authentication and Accounting
Configuring the Switch for RADIUS Authentication
[key < key-string >]
Optional. Specifies an encryption key for use during
authentication (or accounting) sessions with the specified
server. This key must match the encryption key used on
the RADIUS server. Use this command only if the specified
server requires a different encryption key than configured
for the global encryption key.
Note: Formerly, when you saved the configuration file
using Xmodem or TFTP, the RADIUS encryption key infor-
mation was not saved in the file. This caused RADIUS
authentication to break when the startup configuration
file was loaded back onto the switch. You now can save the
configured RADIUS shared secret (encryption) key to a
configuration file by entering the following commands:
write memory
For more information, see “Saving Security Credentials
in a Config File” on page 2-10 in this guide.
no radius-server host < ip-address > key
Use the no form of the command to remove the key for a
specified server.
For example, suppose you have configured the switch as shown in figure 5-4
and you now need to make the following changes:
1. Change the encryption key for the server at to “source0127”.
2. Add a RADIUS server with an IP address of and a server-
specific encryption key of “source0119”.