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front panel lights
front panel lights
The front panel of your HP Surestore DLT1 tape drive has three lights (LEDs) as
shown below.
Write Protected (first light)
This LED indicates if a cartridge is write-
On, steady: The DLTtape cartridge is
Off: The DLTtape cartridge is
Ready (second light)
This LED indicates when a cartridge is
On, steady: The DLTtape cartridge is
loaded and ready to use.
On, flashing: The tape is in motion.
Off: No cartridge is loaded.
Caution (third light)
This LED indicates when a cleaning
tape should be used. See also
On, steady: A calibration failure or hard
read/write error occurred.
Try cleaning the drive with
a tape approved for use in
the DLT1 drive.
If after cleaning, this
indicator is illuminated
again when you load a
DLTtape cartridge: it is
probable that the DLTtape
cartridge is causing
problems. Try a new
DLTtape cartridge. If this
condition persists with
other cartridges, use HP
Library and Tape Tools to
help you diagnose the
Off: Cleaning is complete or
not needed.
All three LEDS
This indicates the status of the Power On Self Test (POST).
On, steady: POST is starting.
On, flashing: A POST error has occurred. For more information, see
Note: LEDs during firmware update operation. See also Firmware Updates.
● During the firmware update process DO NOT RESET OR POWER CYCLE
● When the drive is in firmware update mode, the Write Protected and Ready
LEDS flash.
● If a corrupt or incompatible image is downloaded for a firmware update, the
Ready and Write Protected LEDs do not flash. The drive resets and leaves
the code update cartridge loaded to indicate that the code update was not
● If a valid image is downloaded the Ready and Write Protected LEDs will flash
alternately during the update process. The code update cartridge is ejected
on successful completion.
© 2000, Hewlett-Packard Company
file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/topher.COL-SPRINGS/Desktop/manual/document/dlt1/user/reseller/eng/lights.htm [12/3/2001 7:50:28 AM]